We found the number:


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Reports for 916-232-0557

NEUTRAL 23 days ago

Converting rational numbers between different bases and representations Qonvert lets you convert rational numbers between different bases and between different representations such as positional notation and improper, mixed, continued and Egyptian fractions, as well as Roman and Greek numerals. The numbers can have basically arbitrary size and precision.

NEUTRAL 23 days ago

Type a number ∈ ℚ

SAFE 23 days ago


SAFE 23 days ago


SAFE about 1 month ago

Hi dylan, we have received your mail and the ticket #414571 was created for your request. We will reply as soon as possible. As c:geo is an open source app maintained by a small team of volunteers, it might take some days until you receive a response. This depends on the availability of the team members and the amount of requests we receive. We are speaking English and German. Don't worry if you wrote your mail in another language we will still try our very best to understand and reply accordingly, the answer however will most probably be in English or using a machine-translation. In the meantime you might want to check the following pages for a solution to your problem: c:geo FAQ - Answers to the most frequently asked questions c:geo user guide - User guide for c:geo (available in several languages) If you have problems with logging in to your geocaching service, please follow the advise in our user guide:c:geo user guide - Login problems If your problem could be solved with the information and links provided above, please kindly reply to this mail again and just tell us, that we can disregard your ticket. That will be very helpful to manage the amount of requests we receive. Thanks! Best regards, c:geo Team If you wish to provide additional comments or information regarding your problem, please reply to this email keeping the ticket number in the subject.

UNSAFE about 1 month ago


UNSAFE about 1 month ago


UNSAFE about 1 month ago


Owner Information for 916-232-0557




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Information for 916-232-0557

916-232-0557 Information

Location: Roseville, CA
Company: American Messaging Services
Comments Types: 3 Unsafe Comments. 3 Safe Comments. 2 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 04/04/2024

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Complaints for 916-232-0557

Complaints for 916-232-0557 (0 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.