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SCAM rating

Reports for 732-734-4112

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

They installed a bot program on my computer I was forced to dump all of my programs and start over. It was very expensive dealing with them and I lost a great deal of info. Do not give them access to your computer they are dangerous. They will call 3 or more times a day everyday including Sunday's

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Call and said his name was Kevin wanting to fix my computer, I told him not to call me because he is a scammer. I think the comments that is on the internet in favor of these people are really coming from their friends. I am no dump bell.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

call me at work and on my cell phone but do not leave a message. WOW!

NEUTRAL about 6 years ago

I don't know if this is an unsafe number or not, but they posed as Microsoft last summer when my computer locked up. (Their number came up on my screen.) Bu the way, Microsoft does not have an accessible phone number. I fell for them fixing the computer, which they did. However, they were charging me $200. When I told my computer guy, he said absolutely not, they were scammers. We immediately stopped the check and opened a new acct. M Barnes called last night, and I mistakenly answered it thinking it was a neighbor. He asked if I remembered they'd fixed my computer and I paid them $200 (which I didn't). I told him he was a scammer and to leave me alone.

NEUTRAL about 6 years ago

Very helpfull agents who helped me fix my pc ..... thanks tech support team

NEUTRAL about 6 years ago

Called me from India and when I told him foo stop this bs's he said he is from Washington. lol Told him I am actually one of you fools actually. I am an Indian too let's not scam each other. smh

NEUTRAL over 6 years ago

I know these guys very well as they are providing me technical support from last two years and I proudly say that this company is one of the best company to whom I know.....

SAFE over 6 years ago

Great people and great Technician ....

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Brooklyn via FCC.

UNSAFE almost 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Bartlesville via FCC.

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Riverton via FCC.

Owner Information for 732-734-4112




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Information for 732-734-4112

732-734-4112 Information

Location: Woodbridge, NJ
Company: AT&T Local
Comments Types: 3 Unsafe Comments. 1 Safe Comments. 1 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 10/07/2018

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Complaints for 732-734-4112

Complaints for 732-734-4112 (3 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 3 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 732-734-4112 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 3 states (Connecticut, Ohio, Oklahoma.) Most recently this number was reported on September 18, 2018

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for about 1 year.