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SCAM rating

Reports for 702-608-2140

UNSAFE almost 6 years ago

bandwidth.com/legal/report-a-phone-number/ Here is a link to report nuisance calls to the carrier. If you receive a call/text please report the time. date and conversation. THey do have ways to track down the user even if using a fake email, and can face penalties. ENough complaints to them and the FCC, they will tighten down.. You can simply copy/paste link above.

UNSAFE almost 6 years ago

Reposting as for some reason the first post changed to neutral instead of unsafe after I posted. (We rate this phone number "Unsafe") See repost below this phone number left a obscene mms message on our phone, late evening, within a minute of a "private caller" calling and leaving a mssg. stating obscenitys, last week it was a different expletive.. Phone number is being reported to FCC this evening since it is a wireless carrier, once carrier is determined tomorrow a formal complaint will be filed with them, if it is a calling app we will contact the developers of the app. We would encourage anyone tracking (or finding this thread after researching the number, ) to follow the above steps. and to post here for documentation.

NEUTRAL almost 6 years ago

this phone number left a obscene mms message on our phone, late evening, within a minute of a "private caller" calling and leaving a mssg. stating obscenitys, last week it was a different expletive.. Phone number is being reported to FCC this evening since it is a wireless carrier, once carrier is determined tomorrow a formal complaint will be filed with them, if it is a calling app we will contact the developers of the app. We would encourage anyone tracking (or finding this thread after researching the number, ) to follow the above steps. and to post here for documentation.

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

he said his name was Allen and was calling from posnet. he wanted me to give him the names and phone numbers from the last 10 invoices. when i said no he got mad and said he was filling out a report how i was uncooperative and rude. i laughed at him and hung up.

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

someonen telling me i better lewave tips next time or he will take care of me and all this bullshit

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Was called at work, they asked to speak to a manager said they were Adam someone can't remember last name and needed to talk to me about a report. This is a place of business and the phone call was very vulgar and disrespectful and when I say vulgar it was vulgar calling people and whores and fat. I see there has been more than one report on this telephone number it needs to be stopped.

UNSAFE over 7 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Elberton via FCC.

Owner Information for 702-608-2140




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Information for 702-608-2140

702-608-2140 Information

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Company: Bandwidth.com Clec
Comments Types: 5 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 1 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 07/25/2018

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Complaints for 702-608-2140

Complaints for 702-608-2140 (1 complaint)

Other consumers have reported this number 1 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls Reports have been made by users in 1 state (Georgia.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.