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Reports for 855-345-0067

SAFE 5 months ago

Praying is not “Cheesy” whatsoever. We all need to READ the Bible every day & as often as possible. There is power, strength & protection in His word. Pray without ceasing… Get CLOSE in your walk & the goal should be to HEAR His voice & direction regularly. Sin puts up a block wall. Therefore, everyone must repent regularly & TURN away from sin. Otherwise people will be at a loss when ALL the chaos starts. Jesus is the only hope. I am preaching to myself & everyone… Saved or not. Make Jesus your Savior today if you have not already. His miracles are fact, as I’ve experienced countless incredible miracles. Jesus is the Mighty Healer TODAY. 🙏👑💕

SAFE 5 months ago

Praying is not “Cheesy” whatsoever. We all need to READ the Bible every day & as often as possible. There is power, strength & protection in His word. Pray without ceasing… Get CLOSE in your walk & the goal should be to HEAR His voice & direction regularly. Sin puts up a block wall. Therefore, everyone must repent regularly & TURN away from sin. Otherwise people will be at a loss when ALL the chaos starts. Jesus is the only hope. I am preaching to myself & everyone… Saved or not. Make Jesus your Savior today if you have not already. His miracles are fact, as I’ve experienced countless incredible miracles. Jesus is the Mighty Healer TODAY. 🙏👑💕

SAFE 5 months ago

Praying is not “Cheesy” whatsoever. We all need to READ the Bible every day & as often as possible. There is power, strength & protection in His word. Pray without ceasing… Get CLOSE in your walk & the goal should be to HEAR His voice & direction regularly. Sin puts up a block wall. Therefore, everyone must repent regularly & TURN away from sin. Otherwise people will be at a loss when ALL the chaos starts. Jesus is the only hope. I am preaching to myself & everyone… Saved or not. Make Jesus your Savior today if you have not already. His miracles are fact, as I’ve experienced countless incredible miracles. Jesus is the Mighty Healer TODAY. 🙏👑💕

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Information for 855-345-0067

855-345-0067 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 0 Unsafe Comments. 3 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 12/10/2023

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