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Reports for 844-341-9615

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

RPFS scam. It seems to be an elaborate phishing scam, but they might actually be getting people to pay off fictitious loans by threatening to take them to court. It sounds like the same woman using a different name and phone number. I have some of these calls recorded on my voicemail. There is also a man calling. When I answered one of these calls he told me I had an unpaid payday loan I never had. He said I had to sign papers and show up in court or I would be arrested. These are some of the names and numbers they have used: (844) 341-9615 Stephanie Baker, (888) 239-9690 Ashley Smith, (888) 233-9892 Gina Rice, (888) 222-8841 Lance Shaw, (877) 451-0947 RPFS, (844) 640-3113 Angela Cook, (877) 239-3523 Denise Rogers, (855) 203-2870 Terry Radcliffe, (866) 237-0597 Danielle Taylor, (855) 217-0639 Tina Hill, (855) 367-0370 Vivian Banks, (855) 218-0642 Michael Porter, (844) 880-8539 Jeff McCloud.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Big Spring via FCC.

Owner Information for 844-341-9615




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Information for 844-341-9615

844-341-9615 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 1 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 1 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 09/19/2018

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Complaints for 844-341-9615

Complaints for 844-341-9615 (1 complaint)

Other consumers have reported this number 1 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls Reports have been made by users in 1 state (Texas.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.