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SCAM rating

Reports for 310-186-4512

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Genuinely so fed up of these callers. They have no respect. Told them to stop calling

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Missed calls - no idea who this even is

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Yet another unwanted call from this invalid (spoofed) number arrived today, just 1 week after the last unwanted call on Aug. 2. When the answering machine picked up, the caller left no message, just dead space. Robocallers (unlawful telemarketers) do this all the time while trolling the phone lines seeking gullible schmucks to victimize. There is no such 186 prefix in the 310 area code! Telecriminals (scam artists) spoof their numbers to avoid being apprehended by law enforcement authorities. This is why it is important to LET YOUR ANSWERING MACHINE TAKE THEIR PATHETIC CALLS.

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

CRIMINALS. Yes, the same criminal gang. Just a new phone number. This criminal organization is fully supported by our greedy politicians, who share in the profits of crime. Nothing will ever be done in California to stop these criminal gangs from calling us. These criminals exist due to the support of our corrupt politicians and money hungry phone companies, both of which receive significant profits from the abuse by these criminal enterprises. It would be ever so simple for the phone company to identify all unused phone numbers by marking them as "invalid number" as part of the "caller i.d." program and/or the phone companies setting up their own reporting email systems (just like this one). But, the phone companies elect not to identify invalid numbers since they earn substantial income from these criminals calling us every day. We get to pay for these callers too, as we are usually billed for calls from these unwanted spam callers Such is our life in California. Criminals, politicians and the phone companies all share in the common interest of easy money.

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Port Hueneme via FCC.

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Port Hueneme via FCC.

UNSAFE over 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Port Hueneme via FCC.

Owner Information for 310-186-4512




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Information for 310-186-4512

310-186-4512 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 4 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 08/10/2017

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Complaints for 310-186-4512

Complaints for 310-186-4512 (3 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 3 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 310-186-4512 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 1 state (California.) Most recently this number was reported on August 09, 2017

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 13 days.